Several of my friends have had babies lately. I wanted a special handmade gift to give to them. I remembered when I had Meara I found these diaper burp clothes that weren't the traditional plain white color they were in prints. I LOVED them! Of course, now they don't sell them anymore and people look at me sideways when I try to explain it to them. So, I decided I would make it my mission to find a tutorial online to make my own. Although, in all of my searches I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. Most of the ones I came across were the ones that just had a strip down the middle. That was still too plain for what I wanted. I decided to cover the whole front. The first ones I made I am a little sad that I gave away because they weren't as nice as these. It was by accident that I decided to make them this way. I only had a few scrapes of fabric left and decided to sew them together. I liked the effect and that created a new excitement about making them. I am sending these to my sweet friend who was the first friend I made when I moved here thirteen years ago. I don't think she looks at this but if you do girlie it's on it's way to you across the pond! I'm not the best semstress. Someone near and dear gave me a sewing machine for my birthday when I turned 20. That was almost 15 years ago. I haven't sewed as much as I would like in all of those years but I try.
adorable!!! I will file this away from the next time I know someone who has a baby since I will past that point myself!